Monday, May 10, 2010


Well, so much for my aforementioned custom order, it was canceled. However, I have been having so much fun with my experimental patterns, that I think I will continue with them. I'll make sure to post pictures if I run into any success!

Other than my snail-paced experimentation, the only thing I've really been up to is reading and editing a story my friend has been writing. It's actually a really good one, based on the anime series Gundam SEED. No, I had never heard of it before she convinced me to read her story. The only problem is that she just killed off my favorite character! That's Tay for you, always trying (and quite frequently succeeding) to get under my skin.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Warning: ALWAYS pay attention when using the sewing machine. This afternoon I managed to put a needle right through my finger. In one side and out the other. If you've ever been as unfortunate as me, you'll no how much it hurts.

I've started working on an ancient Egyptian Barbie costume. It was going OK until I injured my finger. I haven't posted anything on Etsy in nine days now, as I've been experimenting with "historical outfits" for a custom order. Unfortunately, I haven't heard from this particular person in five days now, so I am beginning to wonder if they still want the outfits. I'm very close to finishing one, and I'll post a picture as soon as I do. It's a sort of a peasant outfit consisting of a brown skirt and a cream colored blouse.

This past weekend was a busy one at my house, we had our two billets from Vancouver who had never seen cattails or muskrats before. On Friday night we had a concert at the school. The choirs of both my school and the visiting school sang separately, and then combined. Both bands followed suit.

Last night Kate and Jane insisted on sleeping in the treehouse. It's the sort of treehouse that someone built on a whim in one afternoon. It is not stucturally sound, and has only one and a half walls. It creaks alarmingly when the wind blows. They used a tarp to close off the empty spaces, and then hauled a bunch of blankets up the twelve foot ladder. I think they're nuts, but they seem to have slept well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Tomorrow a group of band and choir students from Vancouver is arriving here. Members of the high-school band that I belong to will be billeting two or three students for a few days while they are on tour. I find it strange that a band would want to come to such an out-of-the-way place as Camrose for their tour, but I am excited none the less. Anne and I have been frantically cleaning our room, as the two girls we are billeting will be using it. This means that Anne and I will sleep on the big spare bed out in the play room, but it's a small sacrifice.

My friend, Taylor, is writing a story during her communication technology class. She tells me that she always finishes her assignments days before the due-date, and then uses her class time to write. This particular story is about a thief with a superiority complex. She thinks she knows what she is doing, but is cleverly manipulated by a criminal organization the entire length of the story. They have it in for her, and keep giving her silly assignments that, when completed, will ensure her safety. Her latest mission included stealing a single earring (of little worth). I really couldn't tell you why. Maybe I'll ask Taylor.

I've finally reached that satisfying point where about half of my seedlings have sprouted. Now that I think about it, I don't know if I planted enough cosmos...

I just finished the eighth (and final!) module of my "general psychology" course. I've been taking it through an independent learning program at the high-school. Basically, you can take as many courses as you want through independent learning. They just give you a stack of modules, and when you are finished them you write an exam. I'll write my psychology exam next week, which means that the block I have set aside every other day can be used for homework and studying.

Kate tells me that I should write about her anxiety problems. She is anxious to have a turn using the computer, so I guess I had better find something else to do.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Custom Order!

This is extremely exciting! I've received my very first custom order on Etsy! A woman who is a history professor has asked me to make some historical costumes for Barbies. She wants to make a little film to show her classes, just for fun. I am sooooo excited to start experimenting! If I had to choose my favorite thing about sewing, it would have to be the thrill and danger of building, testing, and revising my own patterns. Not everything is successful, but that usually doesn't bother me.

Anne and I finished planting seeds last night, so now I just have to find some patience. I managed to pilfer one of those fancy growing light light bulbs that provides light in the spectrums that plants need from mom. I put it in a decrepit old lamp, and it has been nestled up with my seedlings since I got home from school. The seedlings all lean towards the light, so I've been amusing myself by turning the tray every hour or so. It certainly doesn't take them very long to realize the change and reorient themselves.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon

Wow! Yesterday I went to see "How to Train Your Dragon", and it was terrific! I loved it. Unlike many new animated movies, it actually had a workable plot. Aside from the usual technical and scientific impossibilities, it was excellent. There were plenty of flying scenes, which were so exhilarating that I wanted a dragon too! The most disappointing part was that we saw it in 3D. This is the first time I have experienced 3D, and I was not impressed. It didn't really look much different from 2D movie, although if you took the glasses off it was blurry. I also wasn't impressed with the three dollar charge for the special glasses. I am Dutch after all, and I am loathe to spend any more money than I absolutely have to.

I also managed to finish a Barbie dress and post it on Etsy yesterday. So far nine people have looked at it, which isn't bad for my fledgling shop.

Today's Master Plan:
1. Finish another Barbie dress
2. Plant more seeds
3. Play table hockey

I've managed to plant most of my seeds, but I still have a few more to do. A few of the seeds I planted earlier this week have sprouted already! I intend to cover the entire south wall of our house with morning glories and the occasional moonflower. By the way, this is my number one favorite shade of green:

Friday, April 9, 2010

How not to Bake a Cake...

Well, yesterday after school I decided that I would bake a chocolate cake. You have to understand that this is a very rare occurrence for me, as, like most other people my age, I hardly ever set foot in the kitchen except to eat. My lack of experience doesn't help any either. I was craving cake though, so I pulled out one of mom's recipe books and found my favorite recipe. You have no idea just how good this chocolate cake is. Its gooey and sticky and almost black, so moist that "melt-in-your-mouth" doesn't even begin to do it justice. I had that cake batter whipped up in less than half an hour, an amazing feat for me as I am ridiculously slow when in the kitchen. The only problem was that I left the timer (set for the appropriate 35 minutes) on the kitchen counter and then headed down-stairs. An hour later, I finally remembered the cake. The edges were absolutely toasted, but the center just had a slightly burnt taste. My family didn't seem to mind though, and almost a third of it has been eaten. Thank goodness for little sisters. In the end, I decided that baking wasn't so bad, and I may even try it again in the near future.

I am also in the midst of finishing several Barbie dresses for my Etsy shop. I haven't posted anything in five days now, so its about time.

Anne (one of my sisters) is bringing a friend home to stay overnight. Tomorrow, the three of us girls and another friend will be running off to see "How to Train Your Dragon". I am actually quite anticipatory, as I absolutely love cartoon movies.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Very First Post

Isn't this exciting? Here begins the story of Sheri(that's me!), a teenage girl with far too many ideas. Warning: the following posts will be riddled with strange stories (I am a teenager, after all) and odd happenings. I may come across as eccentric (I probably am eccentric, now that I think of it...) and occasionally confused (I'll just blame it on my age). Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!