Monday, April 19, 2010


Warning: ALWAYS pay attention when using the sewing machine. This afternoon I managed to put a needle right through my finger. In one side and out the other. If you've ever been as unfortunate as me, you'll no how much it hurts.

I've started working on an ancient Egyptian Barbie costume. It was going OK until I injured my finger. I haven't posted anything on Etsy in nine days now, as I've been experimenting with "historical outfits" for a custom order. Unfortunately, I haven't heard from this particular person in five days now, so I am beginning to wonder if they still want the outfits. I'm very close to finishing one, and I'll post a picture as soon as I do. It's a sort of a peasant outfit consisting of a brown skirt and a cream colored blouse.

This past weekend was a busy one at my house, we had our two billets from Vancouver who had never seen cattails or muskrats before. On Friday night we had a concert at the school. The choirs of both my school and the visiting school sang separately, and then combined. Both bands followed suit.

Last night Kate and Jane insisted on sleeping in the treehouse. It's the sort of treehouse that someone built on a whim in one afternoon. It is not stucturally sound, and has only one and a half walls. It creaks alarmingly when the wind blows. They used a tarp to close off the empty spaces, and then hauled a bunch of blankets up the twelve foot ladder. I think they're nuts, but they seem to have slept well.

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